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April 1, 2023

Our Next Chapter – Jackson & Rachel’s Maui Engagement Portrait


Last Updated on April 30, 2024 by Karma Hill

Love is in the springtime air! Jackson surprised his longtime girlfriend Rachel on their recent trip to Maui by popping the question. Rachel was taken completely by surprise and said yes! He planned everything down to the very detail and didn’t forget to book a Maui engagement portrait to commemorate it! Smart guy 😉 Their photos turned out so stunning, as you’ll see below!

maui engagement portrait
maui engagement portrait
maui engagement portrait
maui engagement portrait

Maui’s Natural Beauty

These two couldn’t contain their excitement about their happy news! So how it all happened was Jackson proposed that morning so they could enjoy the day together! They were all smiles throughout their entire Maui engagement portrait at the beautiful Ironwoods Beach. The white sand makes the water looks super bright aqua in color, making their photos really pop! Also, this location is incredibly stunning at sunset; we especially love the rocky cliffs for some backlit portraits. The dramatic scenery and rugged beauty are why this beach is a favorite of our photography team for a romantic portrait session. Maui’s natural beauty is the perfect scenery for a special occasion such as a milestone event like a surprise engagement!

Rachel chose the best color to wear, don’t you think? White, of course! As a bride-to-be, it couldn’t have been more perfect. And Jackson’s deep blue aloha shirt matched the colors of the ocean…

beach portrait
couple on beach
maui engagement portrait
happy couple
happy couple

How happy do they look? They are so ready to begin this next chapter of their lives! And what better way to begin than a stunning Maui sunset! It was a beautiful ending to their happy day…

maui engagement portrait
maui engagement portrait
maui engagement portrait

Congratulations, Jackson and Rachel, on your recent engagement! We hope you had an amazing time on the island! Good luck in planning your wedding!


Time Of Day: Sunset

Maui Engagement Portrait: Samantha of Karma Hill Photography

Maui Portrait Location: Ironwoods Beach

Karma Hill - Hawaii
Owner | Website

Karma Hill is the owner of Karma Hill Photography, Simple Maui Wedding, Simple Oahu Wedding, and Simple Hawaii Wedding, marking a significant presence in the Hawaii wedding community since 2007. With a wealth of experience and a vast collection of informative posts on weddings and photography in Hawaii, Karma Hill offers unparalleled expertise. Explore the world of photography and wedding planning across Hawaii by visiting Karma's websites.

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